RFID in Healthcare Industry:
Author Brad Sokol and Sapan Shah's unique "micro-modular" approach to deploying RFID in the healthcare industry

Part 3: RFID in Healthcare
In the final part of this Special Report, authors Brad Sokol and Sapan Shah continue to make the case for a how their "micro-modular" approach can deliver a healthy return on investment.
Download the RFID in Healthcare study.
Part 2: RFID in Healthcare
In the second part of this Special Report, authors Brad Sokol and Sapan Shah explain precisely how their "micro-modular" approach delivers a return on investment.
Download the RFID in Healthcare study.
Part 1: RFID in Healthcare
Authors Brad Sokol and Sapan Shah's unique "micro-modular" approach to deploying RFID in the healthcare industry will lower inventory costs, increase asset visibility and maximize productivity.
Download the RFID in Healthcare study.